Sunday, April 29, 2012
Birthday Party
Saturday, after soccer, C and A were invited to a birthday party at a gymnastics place. We have been to several parties there and it is a lot of fun. I took a picture of the boys before they ran out onto the mat. They were so funny!
I did get one boy on video dancing! It was so funny!

Sunday Scene
We love our church and have been so blessed with people that are so good to our children. There is one young couple - Beth and Bobby - that A and C love. They have a precious little girl named Hannah. My kids will not leave her alone. I get embarrassed, but Beth and Bobby don't seem to mind. A and C both wanted me to take their picture with Hannah. They keep asking me for a little brother or sister - but that's not going to happen! Ha!
We had to show C how to hold Hannah. The first picture was so awkward.

Thursday, April 19, 2012
Soccer Mom
Both A and C are playing soccer this year. They are loving it. Eric and I did not grow up with soccer, so it's all new to us. Sometimes I yell the wrong thing - but oh well. I'm just trying to support my kids. Ha! Allie is very aggressive and gets mad. At 8, Allie and all the girls are so much bigger than the boys on the team. Which is funny to me - since I am short. Corbin is just happy to be on a team. He dosen't seem to care what happens in the game. C just wants to hang out. Ha!

Sunday, April 15, 2012
New iPhone and puppy
Eric and I finally "upgraded" and got the new iphone. We have loved using our old one, but it was time for us to get the new iphones at a discount. It was still a pretty little penny that we paid. But we are both enjoying our new toys. Allie finally got her new puppy. She has been waiting until she was weaned from her momma. It is a yorkie - which is the dog I have always wanted. Allie named her "Snickers." Ha! She is the cutest little thing.
The last picture I took going to church this morning. I was playing with the camera. Eric told me I was vain to take my own picture. Ha!
The last picture I took going to church this morning. I was playing with the camera. Eric told me I was vain to take my own picture. Ha!

Monday, April 9, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Easter weekend
I love long weekends - especially Easter. I have enjoyed every minute spending this weekend with my family. We shopped for Easter clothes, enjoyed making Resurrection Rolls, and enjoyed lots of Easter candy. But most of all, I am thankful that Jesus died on the cross for me - a nobody - and arose so that one day I will be in Heaven with Him.

Monday, April 2, 2012
My little ballerina
Allie had dance pictures today after school. She looked so beautiful with her hair done, make up, and costume on. She is growing up too fast. I love my little gi

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Church Trip - 2012
C and A went on a church trip yesterday. They were completing in the Masters Club Regionals. It was their first time competing. Allie couldn't compete in everything because she was too young. Eric and I drove up and watched them. Both kids had a great time. We love our church. More importantly, we are so thankful that both of our kids are saved. That is what really matters. We are so blessed!

Soccer 2012
A and C both are playing soccer this season and loving it. Both have been blessed with great coaches. Eric and I are enjoying watching them play. We didn't have soccer growing up, so its new for us. Soccer is very physical. Those kids run the whole entire game. I need to be running with them - to get in shape.

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