Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Oh, my!  This is only Wednesday, but I am exhausted.  I hurt my back Saturday trying to lift something heavy.  So Saturday night, and all day Sunday I was out of commission.  Well, the rest helped heal my back by Monday, but I am so far behind on house work. 

This morning was horrible.  Corbin had no clean jeans, so he wore shorts to school.  Ha.  I had to hunt and hunt for some socks for him.  I had not been to the grocery store, so packing lunch was "whatever you could fine."  I am sure Allie packed brownies, chips, and cookies, and more brownies.

After school, I finally went to the grocery store.  Yea, we have food.  But that put us getting home late, so I didn't go to church.  And I love my church, and I really miss not going.  Eric took the kids so I could wash clothes, wash dishes, etc.  Fun times!

I am really debating getting someone to help me clean the house.  Eric works probably 50-60 hours a week. So I feel bad asking him to help.  He would help, but he works a lot right now.  I have tried to "train" my kids, but they don't clean like I like them to.  Ha!  

Maybe that's what Eric will get me for Christmas.  Someone to clean the house for a WHOLE year.  That would be wonderful.  Eric, if you are reading this post - pretty please!  Ha!


Jason, Betsy, Jackson said...

It's the best money you will spend ~ promise!!!!!

Cristi Atchley said...

Hang in there, girl! You'll get caught up!

And yes, a years worth of maid service is going on MY Christmas list now! Ha!

Here's hoping Santa deems me worthy of such a gift! ;-)

The Townsends

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