Monday, January 7, 2013

The many hairstyles that I have had

Every time, I let my hair get a little length, then I want to cut it off.  I am trying my hardest to avoid the Hair Salon and not make any rush decisions.  I have trying to look at old pictures and see when I liked my hair the best.  Having crazy curly hair makes for some crazy hair days.  Some beauticians do not know how to cut curly hair.  I have left many salons crying my eyes out!  Here are some of the pictures I have been looking to help me make a decision.

This is Thanksgiving a couple of years ago.  I had let my hair grow out and straighten it.  I do like this look, but it is a lot of work.  Eric looks thrilled here, I know.

This is about how long my hair is now.  I still used a flat iron to loosen up the curls.

This is curly!  While it is easy to fix, it gets out of control later on in the day.  Ha!

This is two summers ago.  My hair was stacked in the back and super short in some places.  I loved this hair cut.  It was easy to fix curly or straight.  This is what I'm thinking I want to do.  Corbin and Allie look so young.  I loved Corbin's Mohawk! 

1 comment:

Michele said...

I really like it at all the different lengths. I've had mine pretty short for a long time, but I just said today that I would like to let it grow a little. We'll see!

The Townsends

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