Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

What I'm loving Wednesday . . . .. .

My new school . . . C will be going to my school this year since he is in 5th grade.  Last night, the school held an orientation night.  The students got to meet their teachers and then have pizza.  C liked every single one of his teachers.  I knew he would.  A was just there for the pizza!  Ha!

We were all laughing when my fellow colleague took this picture.  Allie told me my necklace didn't match!  Ha!  I told her I was going for the "pop" of color concept. 

I am also loving how helpful and supportive my new colleague are.  I had been at my old school for 14 years, so change was hard.  My new coworkers have helped me feel so welcomed. 

I am loving my new symposium.  I can't wait to learn how to use it!  Yea!

I am so excited about this school year!

1 comment:

Jason, Betsy, Jackson said...

You look great! I hope you have a fabulous year!

The Townsends

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